抒情畫意 • 攝畫集 / Paintography

Pele 對繪畫的興趣不下於攝影,因此他選擇了將他的攝影作品化成畫作,他稱之為攝畫,並希望它們能擁有另一個截然不同的生命和展出機會。全書共16章,除了攝畫外,每章還含一首Pele親筆提的中文詩。


現凡購買《抒情畫意 • 攝畫集》,更能獲贈Pele另外一本電子書《娓娓道來 • 散文小說詩篇》,內含多篇他寫的散文、小說和詩篇,圖文並茂,不容錯過。

此兩本電子書均用Adobe PDF格式儲存,方便在電腦、平版電腦如iPad和任何支援PDF格式的閱讀器上閱讀。


”Paintography” is an ebook of Pele's digital paintings (paintographs) converted from his photographs. It has 294 pages & 16 chapters and contains over 150 paintographs. Each chapter has its own unique topic. Apart from paintographs, each chapter has also come with a relevant note written by Pele.

Bilingual edition in English and Chinese is available.

This ebook is formatted in Adobe PDF and suitable for reading on computers, tablet devices like iPad and any reading devices supporting PDF document format.

For those who purchase "Paintography" now, a complimentary copy of another ebook ,《娓娓道來 • 散文小說詩篇》, will be given as a bonus. This ebook contains Pele's Chinese essays including non-fictions, fictions and poems. Only Chinese edition is available.

Would you like to see more ebooks from Pele? We have an English set of three ebooks for your consideration.

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